You can get in touch with me by email at (no unsolicited queries please) or by following me on social media.
For more information about #DVpit/#DVart, visit
Submissions - Currently closed!
I am open to unsolicited submissions as of May 1, 2023 and will be open for the first week (the 1st thru the 7th) of every month.
To send me a submission, use the form on QueryManager here. Please note that this is the primary method of querying me. However, if the form is not accessible for you due to disability, I will accept queries by email at Just send me your query letter and first 10 pages, both pasted in the body of the email. In your subject line, please put your book title and the category and genre of the work you are submitting, i.e. [TITLE]: [Category] [Genre].
I love getting your queries, but please remember to only query me with projects that I might actually represent. This means: middle grade and young adult fiction and nonfiction, and only solicited adult submissions.
I do not expect or encourage exclusive queries. You should query other agencies simultaneously. However! Please only query one GZLA agent at a time.
I cannot respond to snail mail queries—the QueryManager form and email is the best way to get your work in front of me. I try my best to respond within 4 weeks, but I sometimes fall short. Every query will get a response, so if you don’t hear back from me after 4 weeks have passed, please do resend your query or nudge me, or feel free to try another agent at my agency.